“You are a Leader when your team members experience hope for their future and the courage to dream and build that future, because they worked with YOU”! Suman Nair

Latest On Leadership

New Business opportunities demands that new skills are acquired quickly. Re-skilling large teams through traditional classroom environments involves months of effort – a luxury that today’s business environment no longer permits.

Enneagram - One tool many benefits

In order to Learn and Grow, every individual in the organisation must endeavour to practice awareness, mindfulness and self-love, while also sharing care, affection and understanding towards their colleagues. A good system that will help in the process is Enneagram, a powerful tool for personal and collective transformation.

Organisation Development

Our solution has helped organisations align with their rapidly changing and complex environments :

  • Leadership development
  • Assessment centers
  • Coaching and personal development
  • Learning and development
  • Personality profiling

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